Reader Magnets: Build Your Author Platform and Sell more Books on Kindle (Book Marketing for Authors 1)

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Reader Magnets are what bring readers to YOU.

They're an irresistible force that draw readers in to your author platform - the promise of getting great value content and building a valuable connection. That's what it's all about, after all - making meaningful relationships with your audience and having a direct line to your readers.

I started using Reader Magnets a little over six months ago. I didn't even have a term for it back then. Since I put these measures in place, over 15,000 readers have signed up to hear from me about new releases and promotions - all in just a few months.

My readers trust me with their contact details for good reason. I give them good content. In return, they buy my books. These guys are my fans. I appreciate every last one of them - and they're the reason I get to write for a living.

What Reader Magnets Have Done for Me:

- My last email - I made $547 in book sales.
- I launch every new book into the top #900 or better.
- I don't need to rely on Amazon for an income.
- I don't need to pay advertisers to get sales.
- I saw my first 1,000 subscribers after just a couple of weeks.
- My click-rate is five times higher than the industry average
- My open-rate is more than double


It's all about getting readers to commit. Get their email addresses. Follow up. Build value. Build your brand.

Let me repeat the headline again: I picked up 15,000 new reader email addresses in less time than it takes for most people to write a new book. I got my first 1,000 readers signed up in just a couple of weeks. My click-rates are through the roof. I do this with Reader Magnets - and you can too.

Download the ebook to find out how – as well as the ebook edition, you'll also get:

- access to my course "Find your First 10,000 Readers" for free
- a PDF edition of the book (in case your ereader doesn't handle screenshots well)
- the chance to get your burning questions answered at the Reader Magnets community

Here's to your success!
